Thu, May 16 2024

Published: 02/02/2007

Family meal is so very hard... But, research shows eating together has benefits

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"If you could have dinner with any person in the world, who would it be and why?"

"Tell about the most surprising thing that happened to you this week."

Parents don't have it easy when trying to compete with the latest gadgets, the Internet and the busyness of young people's activities and friendship networks. That is why parents must get creative when it comes to getting everyone to sit down and eat together.

Here are some ideas on how to make family meals special and therefore, bring your kids to the table:

* Choose different meals to eat together as a family

* Turn off the television, phone, and other things that can interrupt family meals

* Use Saturday or Sunday morning for a family breakfast or brunch

* Designate an evening during the week that's completely devoted to family

* Get children involved. Give them responsibilities for meal preparation and cleanup.

* When they're older, let them choose a food item and prepare it for the family

The asset-building approach to child development has been shown to significantly reduce high-risk behavior, like drinking alcohol and drug use, in young people. Regular family meals play an important part in building assets and keeping critical lines of communication open.

- Courtesy of ARA Content

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